It would be exceedingly helpful if windows on buses/shelters were at least somewhat see thru. How do I tell where my stop is??
The woman in front of me has the most spectacular hat including a big brooch at the side. It looks spiky and yet velvety at the same time.
Fighting the urge to pet her hat.
Half way downtown and still no one on the bus today. It's like being chauffeured in a really weird limo.
The guy must have hurt his foot. He's on the bus with his sock and shoe off (it's not exactly sandal weather) and is asking people around him for opinions on his busted appendage.
"Does that look fucked up to you?" As he points to his swollen ankle.
He's the guy hunched over looking at his foot in the pic.
It takes a village.
I'm in complete denial winter is coming. Standing at the bus stop this am I repeated my mantra. "I'm not that cold...I'm not that cold..."
Being the last person on a bus kind of feels like you're being dropped off by a lazy boyfriend who won't take you right to your door.
Route showing on front of bus and side of bus were different, so I asked driver which route he was driving. What I got was a full "don't you think I know what I'm doing?" from the driver. Simmer down dude...I was just asking!
Watching someone - who doesn't realize they are on an express bus -lose their shit never gets old.
Walking to your seat on a moving "bendy" bus* is like trying to navigate through a fun house.
*bendy buses are super long buses that are essentially two buses attached together with this swivel accordion type thing between them.
Very windy morning standing next to a metal bus stop post. Couldn't figure out where the flute sounds were coming from....holes in metal post plus wind equals a rustic transit flute.
Woman is shamelessly flirting with bus driver. He's flirting back. I'm trying to suppress the urge to eye roll. #bustales #HighPitchGiggles
Man next to me has attack eyebrows. You could take off bottle tops with those things. #bustales
Dude is rocking a fair bit of Orange on the ride in:
Orange Chucks
Orange messenger bag
Orange plaid shirt
Orange headphones
Orange cell phone case
Saw this guy again wearing the exact same outfit.
So either he's pulling a Fred Flintstone and has an entire closet of clothes that look the same or he's just really into these styling duds and wears the same ones everyday as a uniform.
Bus driver is completely lost. 3 wrong turns in suburbia and you are pretty much hosed. People are kinda freaking out.
Woman brought dry cereal as a snack & tucked the container in her scarf. She is using her tongue to eat. #feedbag #bustales #nohands
The Octogenarian crowd is killing it bus fashion wise . Check out this hot pink leather number!
Work it sister!
Woman next to me on this bus has the most amazing perfume. Obviously can't ask her as that would be creepy. Wish there was a scent app that could identify it. Although using a scent app on a bus might identify things I really don't want to know.
Octogenarian on this bus has THE most impressive hand penciled eyebrows. They are like geese flying in formation above each eye.
There is a SCREECHING angry toddler on this bus making the chances of my getting home without a headache slim and none. #bustales
Vacation is over: Con. Moving to the new house and my bus stop is earlier on the route meaning I will now get a window seat: Major Pro.
There are so many good looking people on this bus they should use the aisle for a walk off. #bluesteel #bustales
This kid is on his phone. He is walking up and down the aisles (even though there are lots of seats).
He's chatting away and is completely comfortable as if he was in his own living room.
Very strange.
Guy on this bus has one of those bomber horns... Braaaaaahp. Took me a split second to realize it was a horn sound and that he's not just the most aggressive farter of all time.
Sitting on a hot sweaty bus and open the window for a mere whisper of a breeze only to get a face full of car exhaust. Oh! Perfection.
The driver that we have had on our route the past two weeks really likes the mic.
Last week he was hosting a trivia Q&A. This week he is imploring us to emphatically greet him in the morning with a high five or fist bump.
I have to admire this guy's approach. A little unorthodox perhaps, but hey, if you can make me smile on a morning commute, good on you.
In true bustales fashion, I recorded this mornings exchange.
Guy in front of me on this bus sounds exactly like David Attenborough. Keep expecting him to go into an ecological monologue, "Deep in the Serengeti..."
Currently this bus is vibrating. As in the seats are shaking a bit. Lady just sat down beside me and said "Woo! That's not entirely unpleasant...if you know what I mean"
Oh gawd.
Summer skin show has begun. Just saw my first pair of Jorts on a wonderfully hairy man. Hot pants you're on deck.
To the bus driver who stopped a 1/2 block back from the bus stop only to fly past the 6 of us waiting at the actual stop...and then wouldn't open the doors when we ran and caught up to you... Yeah. You suck.
There is a disproportionate amount of people sleeping on this bus. Gees, wonder what happened last night. #bustales #missedaparty
As far as I can tell horse mask wearing accordion player only shows up when it's raining.
Standing in the rain listening to accordion music is more relaxing than you think it would be (weird horse mask aside)
I'm next to the Horton Hare. Every day this guy gets off at my stop and races me to Tim's. We never talk so it's super awkward.
Woman beside me just whipped out a pair of badass blue blocker sunglasses. These things are huge. Right over top of regular glasses. Switching glasses is for suckers.
Am currently trapped in a cologne cloud care of the guy beside me. Notes of woods and citrus aside, my eyes are watering.
Toddler behind me got a handful of my hair and yanked. His Mum's response? "Isn't he precocious?". Uh... #howboutno #bustales
Oh my. Excuse me, sir? Yes you.. The elderly gentleman who likes to stand naked by the patio doors on the 2nd floor to his balcony at 7:45 every morning. Hi! Yeah. We can see you. Please dress accordingly.
Thank you random bus stranger. By taking a long pull from that mickey of vodka at 8am you made me feel better about my morning coffee addiction.
Read a book on the bus, got nauseous. Rested head on glass window and driver promptly drove over a bump. Now dealing with mild concussion from smacking my head on the glass. Monday... You are kicking ass.
Drama is over. She moved farther back and out of whispered angry comment range. Dude with red mitts still chilling.
Passive aggressive fight! She's pissed he bulldozed past her, he just wanted to move back, cue drama.
She keeps saying under her breath, real gentlemen don't push woman.
He keeps saying, "well if somebody didn't move back no one could get one the bus!" Followed by a whispered "are you fucking kidding me?"
Their backs are turned against each other, but they keep talking as if they were facing each other.
Third party with red mitts is trying to break it up.
I need popcorn or something.
Lady at this bus stop is offering everyone candy. Getting a major Hansel and Gretel vibe.
Guy on this bus is carrying a six pack of beer. 10 min later I hear, "f*ck it" followed by "pshh!". I applaud you sir. I don't even know the back story, but I'm a fan.