Got off the bus only to have to get right back on because I didn't know the same bus changed routes. A tad embarrassing.
You know those parents who act so perfect when everyone is watching and despite the act, you know damn well they lose their shit from time to time just like the rest of us.
A guy on this bus just decided he needed to sit and parked it right in the middle I the aisle. That's new.
New cement poured at this bus stop. There was a guy in a patrol best just standing guard. I guess there won't be any initials in the cement in his watch!
Kid on bus is still pitching a fit. Fighting the urge to get up and say "I have a headache!! This shit ends now!"
I have a massive headache and a kid on this bus just decided to have a huge tantrum providing a visual representation of the pain in my head
Guy just banged on the window outside my bus and I screamed. Awesome, now I'm the bus freak today.