Guy on this bus has the exact same laugh as my Uncle. I've looked over at him a half dozen times just to check it isn't him #bustales #odd
2 teen boys in front of me. One farted, other laughed. Farter said "don't worry these seats can take a punch" #bustales #didnotjusthappen
Apparently this girl did not get the memo that Lululemon pants are see through. Nice days of the week underwear though #bustales
Bus patrons are killing it fashion wise. This lady has amazing heels on. No way to get a pic without completely freaking her out #bustales
Child in front of me is screaming "I want more makeup!!!" while her mother looks mortified. Walking talking birth control people #bustales
I want to be in as good of a mood as the guy on the red moped (w/ matching helmet) beside this bus. He's waving at everyone.
No one to marvel at (good or bad) on this bus. Going to be a boring ride home. Even Rip Van Winkle keeps things interesting.
woman in front of me is wearing a coat made out of the strangest fabric. Suppressing the urge to touch it.
Old guy sleeping next to me on the ride home #bustales I am having a flashback. I've sat next to #ripvanwinkle before.
I KNEW it!! Back in March 2012 I sat next to this guy and he was sleeping back then too!
Why am I always sitting next to the chic who does her makeup on the bus. I will never understand this.
Just when I thought this bus ride was uninteresting, guy pulls out (and starts to eat) a bucket of chicken. So classy.
Can we the bus riding public collectively agree to pop a mint before riding the bus? #dragonbreath #bustales #iwillsharemygum