Bus heated cranked along with this drivers made skills mean that vomiting is a real and ever present danger.
Running to catch a bus while carrying a work bag the size of Brazil counts a high impact cardio. I suggest a supportive bra.
Travelling around Winnipeg by bus during non peak hours is like taking a course in time suckage.
Person next to me had the quietest sneeze ever. I assume it was a sneeze or they just smelled their arm.
Just got smacked with a backpack on the bus. Didn't even get a sorry, just a shrug.
Who doesn't apologize for shit like that? I apologize to a chair if I bump into it by accident.
After a long day at work, having to be on a bus with a screaming toddler (who isn't mine) is just beautiful.
This is the politest bus I have ever been on: please, thank you, excuse me and your welcome are all running amok.
Fidgety people on a bus freak me out. I always feel like they are up to something. Sit still dammit!
Woman on my bus screaming that the back door won't open. Someone yelled back "try pushing it you twit!"
My bus driver has stopped for a pee. Honestly, my weekend awaits, can you not be the master of your bladder for 5 more blocks?
The kid yelling "Weee!" has started to bawl, apparently the magic of riding the bus has worn off