
Why is do the windows not open some buses? After riding on the jerkiest bus ride thanks to my brake happy bus driver, I could use a breeze to stave off vomiting.
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This brake happy bus driver should have his picture in Wikipedia under "nausea".
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Thread count

Guy in front of me is VERY happy with his high thread count sheet purchase. He keeps petting them. Its more than a little creepy.
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Girl at bus stop wearing nude tights that TOTALLY match her skin tone. Did a dbl take on that one. #youneverknowinWinnipeg #bustales
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Guy beside me let out a huge #fart and then said "sorry not feeling well today". Yeah, that is what you want to hear from the stranger sitting beside you. Fuck.
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This bus is too warm. Getting seriously sleepy, but there is a creepy dude beside me so I am forcing myself to stay awake.
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Ooh yes, Yell at the bus driver for the #Traffic delay... Its TOTALLY his fault. #sarcasmsign
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Guy behind me on this bus is quite shook up about his breakup with this girl Linda. I know there are two sides, but damn this chick was harsh. Torn between wanting him to be quiet or asking him for Linda's # so we can sort this shit out.
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People are chatty as fuck on my bus.
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Confidence crisis

When someone sits beside u and then moves, can't help but think "is it me?"
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