To the girl in front of me wearing a white fedora and purple ballet flats.. I salute you. Nice work.
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I'm a little weirded out by the person sitting next to me who has been licking their lips for a solid 10 min straight.
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The woman (I think its a woman) in front of me is wearing a massive parka. It's +2C.
If this is what you wear for September, you are not going to be happy in a few months.
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There are so many different languages being spoken on this bus. So far I have heard French, Mandarin, Spanish and what I think may either be Italian or Russian....
Its like a rolling United Nations!
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Rainy & Humid bus ride equates nausea for me.....
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I sincerely hope the person across the aisle is texting... Otherwise they are just staring at their crotch and smiling.
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It is just disconcerting how many flies are on this bus.
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Got a fancy bus for the ride home!
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Holy cow...
Its been awhile since I was on a bus SO full that the bus driver is no longer picking up passengers.
If you are waiting for a southbound 59 right now you will be SOL!!
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The bells on my bus are not working, so we have just been instructed to yell out for stops.
Its actually turned into a game of telephone on the bus. Someone will yell out "Marion!" and other passengers pass it along until the bus driver can hear.
So funny!
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FYI car drivers, people who ride the bus can see down into your cars... Please wear pants.
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Been sitting at a bus stop with a rather loquacious elderly gentleman for the past 20 minutes.
I thought he was waiting for a bus as well. Apparently not because he just stood up and said "OK, Have a nice day then" and walked off slowly.
Maybe he just needed to rest for a bit?
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There is a lot of bizarre people on the bus.
One of whom is "The Banshee". She rides the south st.vital buses to downtown and back.
Her claim to fame? She screams. She will burst into tears and scream at her cell phone or just start howling for no apparent reason.
If the banshee is on your bus her are some helpful tips:
1. No eye contact
2. Pray to God she doesn't sit beside you.
3. Do not ask if she is alright- people have done this in the past... It makes the screaming worse.
The Banshee has just got on my bus.... I can't get my headphones out of my bag fast enough...
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The flutist from yesterday has moved on to a sort of recorder-esque instrument. Song choice appears to be static however.
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There is an inexplicable abundance of bedazzled jeans at my bus stop.
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Due to the nature and routine of riding the bus, its not uncommon to see the same people from the morning bus ride on the evening commute.
However, tonight, the lady beside me was the same person I sat beside this morning.
I didn't recognize her as I slept the entire way to work. She didn't and asked me how my day was as "I looked so tired this morning"
You know you have to evaluate your sleeping routine when random strangers are concerned you might not be getting enough.
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I have seen a lot of street musicians at bus stops. It is not uncommon to see guitarists, bongo players, harmonicas, singers etc.
Up until today, my experience with street musicians was flute free.
Today however, there was a flute musician.. Flutist? Looked kind of odd. Add that to the fact that he didn't seem to be playing a song as much as 3 random notes on repeat.
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